Monday, July 28, 2008

Future MBA?

We leave Olin alone for just a few minutes and what happens? He grabs the remote and starts watching Fast Money on much for those Baby Einstein videos.

The Crew

Our nieces and nephews on a hot summer day (Delanie-8; Davis-6; Averie-10; Alec-15). Makes you wish you were 11 again doesn't it?


Having dinner with Aunt Shaw, cousins Ryan and Lucy.


At bath time....who do you think has more skills?

Our Little Lion

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Olin had his (very late) two month yesterday. The liquid stuff and the tongue compressor made him much more unhappy than the shots.....

13 lbs, 8oz (90 percentile)
24 1/4" (90 percentile)
40.8cm head circ (75 percentile)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Cousin Kelly

As this is the "Family blog" I guess it is fitting to post more than just pictures of Olin as he grows up. Olin made his first trip to Amarillo this week but unfortunately it was under the worst of circumstances. My cousin Kelly, who was really more of my baby brother, lost his battle with addiction on Friday July 11. Kelly's pain has finally been relieved but ours is almost too much to bear.

Perhaps it is too soon to be posting anything about this for the public to see. But I didn't want to post any pictures of Olin with the rest of the family before I mentioned this. It felt like I would be passing over this moment.

This blog is full of happy times, pictures and memories we are making. I've now had the best moment of my life followed by the worst moment of my life just two months later. I'll post pics of our trip and pics of Kelly eventually. Oh how I wish I could post a pic of myself, Kelly, Olin & Dax.

ight now all I can really think to do is: keep my Aunt Sharon and Kelly's wife Kerri and children Brooklyn and Dax in my prayers; try to think of a way to keep his memory alive the next 40 or 50 years while I'm here, assuming that happens, and breathe.

I sure look forward to seeing him again in heaven.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Throne of Olin

Olin loves chicken winging it on his throne. We (I) call it the Throne of Olin. Of course from time to time his head gets a little heavy. He was hamming it up when I was taking these pics.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Another first...

..his first documented roll. He's rolled over before but to the best of my knowledge we don't have it on video. So that means it didn't happen, right? He's got a HUGE cheering section.

4th Downtown

Here a couple of videos from the 4th works show downtown. Much much louder when you are up higher.

Big Finale.....

Where's Olin?

Probably my favorite pic taken so far.

Tara took it, big ups to her.

Poppa Big D

I had a great time when my Poppa Big D came to visit. I celebrated his birthday with him, he's only 658 months older than me, we got fressed up and went to dinner and he took me on a tour around the backyard. But when it was time for the diaper change he did the quick handoff to Nanna.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Nanna Babs

Nanna Babs, then Poppa Big D, came to visit again. We went to dinner at the Austin Club, spent the 4th of July and Poppa's birthday at the condo watching the fireworks and spent some quality time together.

The "Woodward Apparel Photoshoot"

Clothing by Megan Woodward
Photgraphy by Tara Woodward
Model Olin T. Woodward
Olin was a great model except for his demand to have a paci break every 15 minutes.


We are taking Olin to all of the "must" places in Austin. This installment finds him at Chuy's with his bros Deuce (Caleb) and Double Down (Luke) and Uncle Chitwood.


Nothing in particular here...just adding more pics of fun stuff.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Olin went to sleep about 11:30 last night.....and slept until 7am. This would count as his first official full night of sleep. Although his Dad woke up at 0500 because it was so strange and just stayed up.

So that's the milestone. First full night, two days prior to his 2 month.