Friday, January 27, 2012

Beverly, Hills that is

So I haven't taken a single pic with my big camera this month. Sad.

Anyway a little snapshot of Olin's favorite hobby. Loading up his truck Beverly Hillbilly style. Yes, the lawnmower is actually in the truck. He's loaded up and ready to move to Beverly.

Tame that Mane

Okay so by now even if you've never actually seen the Trio in person you should have figured out one of the twins is "streamlined" in the hair department and the other is well......a mess.

So it finally came time to try to trim it up a bit for Miles.

Ow. Stop. Stop. That is were my strength lies.

End result. Just a little trim then some QT with his big bro.

More December catch-up

We will put this in the "lesson learned" file. We had a big patio done in our backyard at the end of the month. Part of the job required TWO truckloads of backfill. Which Olin thought was sand. So we let him have his time. It wasn't sand. It was basically kaleche. Which created a nice fine white powder throughout the yard. And the garage. And the entire house.

The cleaning wasn't worth the fun. But I got pics.

Christmas Pics

Various pics from the Christmas activity.
That's why the neighbor calls Miles sMiles

Priceless Christmas joy.


On one hand I can't believe it's been this long since I've sent an update. On the other hand I can't believe I manage to put anything on this at all. So it's a wash.

Figure alot of growing has happened since December 6. Measured Olin last night and he has grown an inch since the Boys 1st birthday.

Th dashing young Ellis preparing to meet Santa.

The dashing Big Brother prepared to meet Santa.
About as good as it got. But we only had one crying. You can probably figure out which one that is.

The trifecta on Christmas Eve. We spread out Christmas this year, as we probably always will now, so it was kind of like having Christmas three times.