Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I had to post this one...this is what you get when Olin has his head down and you tell him "look up!" I need to be more specific with my requests.

More Easter

Snazzy duds, check. Percy easter pulling the bunny boxcar, check.
Guess what holiday this pic was taken on.
Seeing them all three lined up? Intimidating.
Ellis looking like a Bulldog.
Fancy artwork.

More fun

Becky came to visit over Easter and we got her fully indoctrinated into how less than relaxing a three day weekend is with 3 under 3 in the house.
Olin dolling out some brotherly love...and Baby Tank eating it up.
Getting a little artsy with the pic of Ellis.
Olin pointing out to Bec how things work in the house, ie, exactly who's in charge.
Becky and the chunks.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Couple more

A couple pics of the trio dressed up for the boys' baptism.

April Updates

O playing piggies with Nanna
Save the Fat Albert jokes...okay don't....he bares a striking resemblance.

"You hold him, I'll nibble on his ear!"
Time out for trying to ride my brother like a horsie again!! No fair!