Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Olin & Wilbur make a racetrack

Olin decided to make his own race track upstairs yesterday. He took the new box of pancake mix upstairs, dumped it out and.....
here's his track.
And his dog, covered in pancake batter

And Olin, looking like a ghost.
Just wait until we have two more....oh boy.

Better than a bed

So the front is off Olin's crib, he is officially in a "big boy" bed. Which means he can jump out a sleep anywhere he wants....which isn't always the bed.

Baby Names

Olin his helping us pick out names for his little brothers. The names on are this list, so if you zoom wayyyyy in it will give you some hints.

Alec, part 2

Yes, this picture increminated me. I showed proof that I didn't put a bib on him.

Taking the term "hanging out" literally

Cousin Alec

A few pics of Alec's vistit:
Alec fixing the truck.

The crew going paddling.

Apres Swim

Leaning in for a good shot.

All dressed up for church.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Boys

I'm way, way behind on updates. Two vacations have gone by....but I wanted to post this pic taken yesterday. The boys posing in their Cubbie hats.