Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hoops Time with Parks

Tara's cousin Parker got to come down and spend some time in the warmth of Austin during his spring break.....we couldn't find Tara's camera until he left so we got precious few pics.

His phone got so many texts I think it almost also convinced Olin that he must at all times have his phone handy just in case...even while they are watching March Madness.

More March Madnesss

Bath, check. Hoops, check. My homey Parker, check. Mom, check. Milk, check. Phone, check.

Bunny, Give it up!!

Some pictures of Olin hanging out with the Easter Bunny at the hunt last weekend....he wasn't too concerned with the Eggs. Of course he also didn't know they were filled with candy.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Olin & Sophie

We were out talking to our neighbors this weekend who have a baby daughter named Sophie, she's 16 months old. Sophie has a car similar to Olin's so when she jumped in Olin knew just what to do!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010


So I rarely post non Olin pics, but I thought these were too good not to share. Some pics of a work trip I took last weekend at Tahoe. I'll probably post more as I get them done.

A couple new videos of Olin spending time with Nanna and Poppa