Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fun with food

So we had an extra messy time at dinner last night. Olin was making so many funny faces I had to grab the camera to capture some....of course once I got behind the camera he stopped. But I got a few.

"Dad, could you just get the picture taken so we can get on with the business of eating? No, I'm not showing my dimples."

"This stuff makes my nose itch"

"WHAT in the world did you just put in my mouth? This is something Mom told you to feed me isn't it? "

"Okay, here's a half dimple for you"

He actually wasn't crying in this. But he didn want out of the highchair. Bad.
Notice his new tooth in the top!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Another first, actually a two for one

Olin had a huge Saturday.....he pulled himself up on the window, with Wilbur acting as his protector, and began crawling the "all four crawl'. By Sunday he was a master of the crawl on now spends his time with Wilbur peering out the window. I think he is going to join the neighborhood watch program.
Notice the food between the eyes. Very nice touch.

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Well after literally one year of waiting, the Chris Botti concert finally happened. Aunt Sharon came in town to go with us and as you can see Olin loved spending time with her. He is very patient which is good because she liks to be on the phone. Great time and phenomenal concert. If you are asking yourself who the heck is Chris Botti then go to his website,, and check him out. You'll be glad you did.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I like this pic. Tara took it so to give appropriate credit.

The Pinchers

Olin his now using his pinchers to help get the food in his mouth....the faster the better.

And Nanna Babs caught him a coupld of days ago using said pinchers to dig into Wilbur's food bowl....unfortunately we didn't snap a pic of that.

Way Fun!

We went to the front yard to go swinging over the weekend and I think Olin had so much fun it made his dimples even deeper!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Olin and Others

Olin hanging with Grammy.....

Olin in his Snowman suit going to a walk

Hanging with Dad and having a great time

Ringing in the New Year with Pappa Big D

Monday, January 5, 2009

A few good ones

A pic of his feet for his Auntie B

I like this pic....

He wants to be like Mike....

Always smiling.
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New shoes, new coat

Olin got a new hat from his Nanna Babs...

And new shoes from his bring on the cold!

Happy New Year

The New Year's baby is always wearing just a dipaer, right? Well Olin says Happy New Year!!!

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